Hey guys! Sorry for the HUGE gap between the last time I posted and now, but life has been a bit of a nuisance. Yeah, I know. Excuses excuses, but you know what? I'm going to make up for it by having a girly post about the latest fashion trend that I've seen this winter. The humble Gumboot!
Now, I have to admit, I'm not the biggest fashionista. I mean, it's only really since I've gotten a job (and left highschool lol) that I've developed my girliness and started looking at shoes and bags. and boys. *cough* But the whole fashionable shoe just boggles my brain. Let's just cover the three big ones in my book. Also, I'm using the highly appropriate site of UrbanDictionary for the definitions.
1. The Ugg Boot.
"a type of boot invented by australia made from sheep skin. should be worn for warmth in the comfort of your own home, SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BE WARN FOR F***ING FASHION."
Now, I will admit freely that I wear Ugg Boots around the house. And yes, I have worn Ugg Boots *outside* the house when I have been too lazy to put proper shoes on and when my parent is demanding I leave the house with them in order to do a take-out run. But really? Walking around in Ugg Boots with mini-skirts and tight tops is not very attractive. It just makes people look like floozy homeless peeps. (I am well aware that sentence was awful because I had the word people in it twice. So I changed the last people to peeps, which clearly makes everything better.) But I mean really. If you can be bothered putting on make-up and spending two hours straightening your hair and then choosing an outfit... why can you not spend two minutes putting on proper shoes!?
In any case: Ugg Boots are for the home, not the urban streets.
2. The Gladiator Sandal.
"Sandals that look like they could be worn by the Spartans. Most likely to be worn by females, also known as "gladiator shoes"."
This. This has to be THE worst shoe fashion trend in existance. It is awful. There is a reason why we haven't worn these shoes since the Sword-n-Sandal times. I mean, look at them. There are sandals and then there are these. No where in modern times does someone look at those shoes and think: Oh, those are pretty neat shoes. I might buy them and show my face in public! NO. Unless you are going to a University toga party and it was for a costume. I just... I'm boggled that these even came back into existance. I think they require a check list for a do or do not wear occasion:
Gladiator Sandal Checklist:
Are you -
a) Going into public to have fun or go shopping?
b) Going to a funeral of a family member?
c) Going somewhere that involves being in public?
d) Going to a costume party or toga party?
If you answered any of those but d - please change your footwear before leaving the house. Thanks, Humanity.
3. The Croc.
"In a minority (but still alot) of people's opinions: crocs are the most ugly shoes they have ever seen. Made of rubbery material, these "shoes" (/sarcasm) are like slippers, except with oddly shaped holes on the top. Did I mention they also come in assorted colors too?!
I just cannot see how some people I personally think with a good taste of fashion could possibly fall for these."
Also another fashion shoe trend that I don't understand. I mean, I understand that people want to be comfortable when wearing shoes but... they're so ugly. Why would you inflict such pain on other people when they see you walking through the stores in those? It's all very ok for young children to wear them, I mean, I wore jellies when I was young and they were fine but it's like wearing nasty sandals in public. It's gotten to the point where Crocs have branched out and are now also being made into slippers! What? No really. Next thing you know, you'll have Croc high heels and Croc flippers for when you want to go ~diving in comfort. I do realise that I said fashion shoe, but I'm sure this one can be counted amongst those.
So, those are my pet shoe peeves. I suppose I should also briefly discuss the entire point of this post, which was to write about people wearing a gumboot as a fashionable accessory this winter instead of shoes. Now me, when I go out and it's raining I tend to wear sneakers, or even hiking boots because I want to have enclosed shoes and fashion boots just aren't cut out for the weather (and because no one wants to be walking down the road in heels when it's raining and slip). But gumboots. I mean, I can see the allure of having dry feet/toes/legs, and to some extent a nice floral pattern could be pulled off. I just... I don't know.
I'd have to get back to you guys for this one but for now, it's late and I have exams to study for so I wish all of you the best until I next post.
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