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Monday, June 13, 2011


I've decided that with the recent re-publish of the Animorphs Series by K.A. Applegate that I would re-read the old versions that have not been updated. There's a rumour floating around the internet that in addition to the new cover art that the references have been updated to more modern ones. Whilst this may bring in a younger audience, I personally prefer the old references (mainly because I recognise most of them).

So, during or after France I will begin my epic re-read for probably the first 30 books, I never actually finished the series. I read spoilers, got disheartened and could never actually find the complete series in the book store or my library. If any one else wants to also read along I would love to have any thoughts or musings on the series and each book as I go along, otherwise sit back and enjoy the ride.

I think there are a couple of places on the net where you can get a copy of the books online but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, I look forward to my re-read!

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